Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Kitchen Food Essentials: Pantry & Fridge

When moving into a new house, or moving back into your old one, you may be quick to realize that you have very little in terms of food and don't know where to begin. Just like kitchen utensils, you do need a quite a few ingredients here and there in order to get a meal together. There are a few shelf-stable/non-perishable things that you should always have around, the fresh stuff is mostly up to you.

The Essentials;
-Spray Oil/Cooking Oil
-Tomato Sauce (Canned/in Jars)
-Canned/Frozen Veggies & Fruits
-Kraft Dinner/Mr Noodles
-Chicken/Beef/Beans or your choice of protein
-Some sort of fruit (if you do that) - or assorted fruit juices :S
-Canned Tuna/Chicken/Ham

The Essential Spices (if you actually use spices)
-Red Pepper Flakes
-Garlic Powder or real garlic. You can also buy pre-chopped garlic in a jar.
-Seasoning Salt (awesome on fries)
-Steak spice (for chicken and of course steak)
Check out a more comprehensive list here (if you really are dedicated chef)

Now I have just given you the basics. Most of the food choices you make are going to be more specific to allergies, tastes and cooking abilities. A few good frozen foods are always a good call in case you haven't made it to the grocery store.

What's the number 1 food item you can't live without?


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